
Papers & Conferences

  1. Jiwon You, Hyeon Seok Seok, Sollip Kim and Hangsik Shin. "Advancing Laboratory Medicine Practice with Machine Learning: Swift yet Exact" Annals of Laboratory Medicine, 45(1), 22-35, 2025.
  2. Jiwon You, Hangsik Shin. "Large Language Models and Health Checkup Report Interpretation: Possibilities and Limitations" The 64th Korea Society of Medical and Biological Engineering Fall Conference 2024, Swiss Grand Hotel, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 07-09 Nov 2024
  3. Hyeon Seok Seok, Jiwon You, Sollip Kim and Hangsik Shin. "Error Detection in Laboratory Tests using Machine Learning" The 55th KIEE Summer Conference 2024, ICC jeju, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 10-13 Jul 2024
  4. Jiwon You, Sollip Kim, Woochang Lee, Sail Chun and Hangsik Shin. "Types and Frequencies of Errors in Clinical Chemistry Tests at the University Hospital Clinical Laboratory" 2024 Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI) Conference, June 2024
  5. Jiwon You, Yooeun Kim, Kwangsoo Kim, Kyuri Jo. MutTF: a Multi-omics Analysis for Detecting Mutational Signature-induced Gene Regulations by Transcription Factors. The 17th International Conference on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO 2023), Dec 18-21, Okinawa, Japan.
  6. Jiwon You, Yooeun Kim, Kwangsoo Kim, Kyuri Jo. "An Integrated Analysis for Mutational Signatures and Gene Expression Data and Prioritizing Signature-specific Transcription Factors." The Journal of Next-generation Convergence Technology Association, 7.8 (2023):1209-1216.
  7. Juho Park, Minseok Oh, Jiwon You, Hyoji Kang, Kyuri Jo. "Analysis on Prefrontal Cortex Activation During Musical Improvisation and Sight-Reading Using Multiple Linear Regression" Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2023, June 2023 (2023): 1853-1855.
  8. Jiwon You, Jeonghwan Yoon, Kyuri Jo. "Computational framework for time course association study between mutational signature and gene expression" Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2021, June 2021 (2021): 2019-2021.


  1. KCC2023 학부생/주니어 논문 경진대회 장려상, 한국정보과학회, 2023.07
  2. 2022 종합학술대회 우수논문상(창업 아이디어 부문), 한국스마트미디어학회, 2022.06
  3. KCC2021 학부생/주니어 논문 경진대회 장려상, 한국정보과학회, 2021.07

Participated Projects

  1. 의학적 진단검사 결과 자동 오류검출 및 피드백 기술 개발, 2024.05~
  2. 빅데이터 처리 및 딥러닝/전이학습 모델 개발, 2024.01~
  3. 음악치료 VR 악기개발을 위한 암기연주와 즉흥연주에서의 뇌파분석 연구, 2022.10~2023.09
  4. 코로나 19 멀티오믹스 통합분석 및 예후 예측 모델 개발, 2023.04~2023.08
  5. 비음수 최소제곱법을 활용한 변이 패턴-유전자 발현 시계열 연관 분석, 2021.07~2023.02